Every Game 10 Major Grand Finals Set in Melee’s History
Why can so many winged Pokemon learn Heat Wave?
Congratulations to the winner of Melee Singles at Altitude Sickness 2!
Congratulations to the winner of Ultimate Singles at Peabnut Homecoming!
Congratulations to the winner of Ultimate Singles at Almost Heaven 6!
Congratulations to the winner of Brawl Singles at Sweet Spot 9!
Coney discusses his thoughts on commentating in 2025
Vince Staples - ARE YOU WITH THAT?
Congratulations to the winner of Ultimate Singles at Kyokkan #9!
KAGARIBI#13 has surpassed EVO 2019 as the event with the most top 50 players in attendance (38 vs 37, with room to grow)
New Community Project+ v3.0.5 Tier List Released
Light’s 2025 tier list
Hbox: "When you’re the underdog people get less angry when you win. I want to, like, win one event and then disappear for a few months, so people forget that I won it [laughs]"
Congratulations to the winner of Melee Singles at The Hungry Games!
Who's responsible for this
In Mystery Heroes you now spawn with both perks, randomly selected.
My cousin wants to name his child Sisqui, Sonix, Nairo, Spargo, Dabuz, Marss, or Jahzzo
Jay-Z Sues Former Rape Accuser, Claiming She’s Now Admitted Her Story Was False
Sparg0 gives his current thoughts on Smash
Currently there is a bug in nation dex godly gift. (No species clause apperantly)
Congratulations to the winner of Ultimate Singles at Luminosity Madness!
Congratulations to the winner of Ultimate Singles at Cavalier Clash 6!
Who are the best Ultimate players who have never made Top 8 at a major?
Congratulations to the winner of Melee Singles at Fight Pitt 10!
Congratulations to the winner of Ultimate Singles at Chad Saga: Fast Edition 2!