Went outside in a crop top and high waisted pants. Still felt the fit by the time I got home.
Honestly wasn’t too interested in these until I saw someone making them into magnets 🤩🧲 Now I can’t stop
Young adult book about a girl whose parents pass away.
ootd + new haircut
Competition between me and the kitty to see who wore it better 😁
Trump support in Saskatoon
What are some good online stores?
is this ugly? :(
I don't get this did the father's and mother's have there children repeat the lives over and over like generations wise
Do yall ever show up to school in pajamas? Literally the same thing you slept in?
How can I push through being stuck when I'm on my period?
Which dolls I should get?
What is Old Hag?
Meanwhile, in Europe...
New dress, it’s a bit tight around my stomach. But I’m trying to be more comfortable with that. Thoughts?
What is with the returns at Walmart?
it annoys me how ugly mc is (sorry not sorry)
“inner child” discussion
Just had my first smear, it didn’t go well
Are there any mens plus sized clothing sites that aren't super basic?
Which doll brand do you think has the worst packaging to open?
AITA for not fulfilling my teacher's crazy expectations?
AITA for breaking up with my girlfriend because of her mental health?
The Best Yet!!!!