What does my art taste like?
Magnesium Oil
What are people like in HV? How different is it from the south?
What do my sketches taste like?
Feeling Ugly Compared to Gorgeous OF Girls
What’s something you wish people would stop romanticizing?
portrait I did of my partner, critiques?
Is he creepy?
Hear me out, butter chicken pot pie.
What is my art style?
Okay. What does my art smell like?
Dairy free protein meal ideas
How would you describe my art syle
I’m only 23 and my face looks so much older
Hello! Can i get some critique? What should i improve?
Any crits for this piece on the perspective
What do u feel when u look at this? Any advice u can give me?
My only friend’s girlfriend is jealous of me and I don’t know what to do anymore
Tattoo done my johny and iron will tattoo shop. Spokane WA. Help me name this lil guy (silly names only)
how can i make my eyebrows thicker?
Seeking eye brow advice
Are my eyebrows ugly or am I just taking my coworkers words to heart when I shouldn’t be?