Not to be all political but...
Short story cannon that "Twelve Months" must follow
Has Jim ever expressed losing interest in the Dresden series?
Examples of media that you guys think got unnecessary hate.
Is Marcone Actually Good for Chicago?
How important is having story in a game for you guys?
what is with the white council
Drake saying you didn’t win
Drake Moves on From Kendrick Lamar Feud on New Album: ‘F— a Rap Beef, I’m Tryna Get the Party Lit’
God damnit, Marvel! Let her stay dead!
So apparently, back in the good old 2000's, American comic writers tried to portray the battle of Western vs Japanese animation. It has some...iffy lines in it.
Ah, some good ol' World History!
Hell has frozen over, pigs are flying, and a Square Enix game has actually managed to exceed the publisher's ludicrous sales expectations
Times when two creators disagreed or had clashing ideas
Most unapologetic self-inserts
On my 6th or 7th read through, and just picked up the hilarious detail during Changes
Jim Butcher finished writing 12 Months
Examples of fans willing something out of canon?
Casual Reminder the GOTY of 2025 is about to release in a few days
Response to criticism of a certain character's death
Dresden Files Sad
"Jury Duty" is the most unrealistic part of the entire Dresden Files canon and it skipped over what would have been the best part.
Poll to ban/remove links to X(twitter).
Thinking back, Marvel has been killing it with their video games. It's just that the Avengers games screwed up their rep in the start of the decade.
The Suicide Squad game story has wrapped up
Thrift store find
Harry’s relatives