you give this guy a golf club, he’ll probably try to fuck it
Characters you wish had gotten more screen time? I’ll start
Would you want your kid to become an FPGA engineer?
let’s sink this cocksucka and be done with it!
"Kanye West is over there." "What's that supposed to mean?" "Nothing. He's just there, that's all."
Kid was always a dumb fuck though wasn't he? Didn't he almost break his dick off in his living room couch?
"Have you said thank you once?"
let’s whack this cocksucka and be done with it
Did anyone else notice this continuity error - wrong actor was used for Christopher in this one scene, the SEC compliance exam
There YOU go, you big mouth fuck!
ASIC RTL vs FPGA RTL career trajectories
Let’s whack this cocksucka and be done with it
How bout the fact that I hate the sun?
Alright, but you gotta—
Some sad shit, mother fucker said he didn’t want Merlot no more
What we gotta sit here and be threatened now?!?
I want you to sanction a hit on ozempic
fuck even 1 square kilometre…. all claims to my Ukrainian territory are irrigated
She’s a knockout. A ten. And me? I’m average at best
If my eventual end-goal is entrepreneurship, which quant role is ideal (Quant Dev, Quant Researcher, or Quant Trader)?
Imposter in Trading Internship
Fuck you! Fuck you! FUCK YOU!!!
I’ve got 20K sitting in a bitcoin wallet and I don’t want to declare how I got it
Still going this asshole!
How about the fact that I hate my shun?