The peanut butter was expired so jam and cheese it is
I crave the sharpest cheese
I’m thinking it’s time to move on
my bf thinks this is still too watered down. Have you tried Spindrift Soda?
How is the auto transmission on the newer cars?
New update
Just tried spindrift, and it is vile- 100% stay away from it
Giveaway! Bonus Round 1 of 2. Comment to enter. Japanese market CDs & DVDs.
Car Meet.
My mother’s response to finding out I have an autoimmune disease. 🙃
You ever tried 6%?
What are you getting?
Cars are boring, what is your favourite tank?
Horny check, show me your last saved image
I hate my watch
What should I pear with this tequila citrus lime cheddar cheese?
Breakfast on an old Lodge. Happy Saturday, everyone
Trading in the s22U for the s25U. Should be in in a few days! Are y'all planning to upgrade to the s25U?
Cookware question
Anyone want to play pickleball over the week/weekend?
How can I get my telephoto to do that? ive tried but it doesn't move when I zoom in
Why it’s become so expensive to ski in Washington state
Ran into a gatekeeper today
How does one fit 18g of coffee into the Bambino basket? [Breville Bambino]
Dirty quesadilla