I HATE statik and e max build
Yun‘Tal rush now?
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Which botrk components to prioritize
Wisconsin school shooter (Natalie Rupnow) wearing same shirt as Columbine shooter.
Mein lokaler Metzger hat eine Bild Zeitung in seinem Menü
Irelia Q sometimes doesn't 1 shot caster minions
/uj holy shit
ELI5: What is calculus?
I lost my entire family in the blink of an eye.
Deaf Player that doesn't like getting hit by train (Sion ult)
How do u max abilities
Average Skin Tone in Europe
Attack speed Akshan enjoyers rejoice WE ARE BACK
Always check the ingredients
AKSHAN MATCHUP TIERLIST IN !MY OPINION AND EXPERIENCE! left to right matters especially in higher tiers.
WOOOOOOOO 100 left letsss goooo
'US colonel wanted to get together - by the time I realised he was AI I'd lost £20k'
Why did Logan Paul get paid more when Mike tyson was the arguably more famous person
Ukrainian Himars strike on a group of Russian soldiers. 20+ KIA based on radio intercept.
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Autistic alcoholic makes an hours wage by falling on the street
Static shiv so strong, 2 pentas back to back in GM
Opinions on new yun‘tal/statik?
I hate these stupid Videos of making obsidian knives