Inside the development of the latest PS5 system software update
Going forward is a quest for trust
Why the tinyman exploit actually gives me comfort:
Bitcoin mining is honestly Peak capitalism. Private/individualized profit > everything
What videogame would you wish to play again for the first time?
Doug Eddings calls 3 balls in a row as strikes
Republican Values: “AbOrTiOn is MuRdEr!!” Also Republican Values: “Actual murder is A-Ok!”
Tom Cruise performed this sequence where he's hanging onto a flying airplane without digital effects or a stunt double. At times the aircraft reached 5,000 feet in the air.
What's a game you badly wanted to come out but didn't?
Despite this being the first time I’ve come to Los Angeles (vacation from NY) I’ve landed a helicopter on this building more times then I can count!
In which movie did the villain actually have a point?
What is the first thing you would buy if you had infinite money?
Guy in hospital recovering from Covid says he still wouldn’t have gotten the vaccine because the government can’t tell him what to do
Southern California cities rebel against new mask mandate, hinting at delta variant drama to come
L.A. County sees big spike in coronavirus: 2,551 new cases in one day
What products main purpose is ignored?
Wealth Distribution in the US
What is an album where EVERY song is good?
How to tell a fake cop from a real one?
Jeff Bezos thanks every Amazon employee and customer for 'paying' for his recent space flight. You can't make this shit up.
Release machine go brrr
How do people who call others "sheep" not see the irony in what they say?
Capitalism does not spark Innovation. It sparks imitation.
Newly released footage of the domestic terrorist attack on the Capitol on January 6