A Raiding decline
There may be a decrease in Raids because of all the players who soloed EN-06 before the fix
The raid is going just a little too well.
A little raid rant
Godroll Gatling Plasma for Full Health
New plasma gatling plans impossible to farm
4* Star Legendary Mods for SS Armor Set
I did the impossible.
What are the "hot" legendary mods people are after?
Spooky scorched event
Substitutions - Injuries
What Junk Do You Buy/Sell?
Is the next update really coming out next month?
Mutations Question
Unwritten rules of 76
Secret Service Armor vs PA
Killed by another Player
New tips for beginners? Please help!!
What was that D’oh moment as a new player?
Meditation Event - Player Behavior.
Banshees at Night?
Dying Light 2 Hotfix 1.13.1 Patch Notes
What happen here
I think it’s asinine losing so many legend points after Legend Level 50