kavinsky holy shit
Is it a shame to graduate from a private college due to dyslexia?
MAGA Supporting Businesses
Have they started yet tonight?
Set times for NYE
Had a good time last night, but why were the signed NPR vinyl $80 in Chicago and not $60??
Tracklist from the Hollywood Bowl show?
Malibu Tour surprise guests?
Anderson Paak Hollywood Bowl 9/24 (Seatgeek Link attached)
Selling 4 Box Seats in Terrace 6 (SeatGeek link attached)
I’m never gonna hear Dang! without crying ever again
Set list?
Vuori 60% Off (Employee Discount) Codes?
Where can you get Naloxone / Narcan in Fresno for free?
People love to hate on Fresno. Instead, tell me something you like about living here
Almost two years no alcohol, now meth keeps me company.
Overly Twisted Numbness in butt cheek (3 weeks post op)
2 weeks post op and WAS feeling great
Made a progress chart. Might be a little over kill but love to hear any thoughts or pointers
Selling 2 Hollywood Bowl tickets
Best pillows/comfort items for lower back fusion?
Last minute tickets for tonight. Best offer or first offer.
***official ticket sales thread post***
Advocating for Fusion
What price we thinking for the 14th?