Buh dum tss
PsBattle: This kid being lifted towards a basketball hoop
OF COURSE.. of course
1 for me
My dad bought me a grenade. I now have a grenade and bullets in my room. Have a good day! :)
Hold up
It's true, you can't deny it
That was the wrong choice of words, motherfucker
The Redditor strikes again!
Bot goes brrrrr in the fish fluid
Confused unga bunga
Canalooo driftoooo
People be like that sometimes
I will reply and follow to every comment
Very familiar face
And so, they stayed.
Always the third time
A chandelier in the sky.
Take it all
How stupid must you be to skate on thin ice
I’m a 15 year old rapper who just released a fire single, I’d love for you to give it a listen!
Just updating, cause I'm still grateful
I get no output on display from my newbuild pc
I also also made an apple pie (Dutch) and it did not last the night.