If your younger self could see you now, what would they be more surprised about?
i wouldn’t be alive if i never got the job i have now
How do you overcome extreme laziness/no motivation for anything?
What was the worst friend you ever had like?
What are you hearing at this very moment?
What is something that drastically improved your mental health?
What's an overused word in todays world?
Roommate doesn’t wanna pay rent
What tv shows were consistently good from the first couple of seasons all through to the final episode?
What gave you mental illness?
What is the biggest question you have when it comes to figuring out life & yourself?
What was an obvious sign that you missed?
What is the strongest emotion?
What your favorite “Good habit” that anyone can start doing today?
When was the last time you cried, and why?
I am a bad roommate
best friend, now enemy?