LSP, leading 5&6 to the beat
Can a follower practice responsiveness without a partner?
How can I be more liked in my community?
yoga and computers
Are breaks from Yoga beneficial?
Can someone please help
Can you guys explain to me the difference between tango and milonga?
Dancing with little space
Zajęcia - why plural form?
How do you clean a mat?
Why is the button better than BB/SB?
Intermediate yoga
Yoga group instructor judged me a lot in the class
Heart broken
Feeling discouraged with my yoga practice after regressing in skill
What is your favorite peak pose, and why?
Why do people study yoga teacher training instead of just practicing yoga
Can you lead the beginner follower a Swing beat pattern?
Very similar alternatives to Tango?
Studio discouraging use of your own mat? Is this a thing?
What is it that a man desires?
New partner wants me to teach him how to dance. Advice?
How much do you practice Yoga
What brought you to yoga initially? What keeps you practicing?
Coming to class to do your own flow?