How do I make my bf stop telling me I act like a ridiculous attention seeking child
TW death
I never feel enough
Does anyone else have “high episodes”?
How do you deal with rage?
This is your pov, what song are you playing?
gabby kissing tom
What’s the youngest SOAD fan you’ve ever seen?
Can being a 5150 cause trauma?
Prénom Clark
Vous aimeriez pouvoir changer de prénom/nom ?
Day 6: Best song for piano?
whats an opinion you would defend like this?
Something my psychiatrist told me
Do you have highs and lows with eating?
You can just paint the cover of your fav album on a big canva btw
BPD and Pet death CW
Besides TØP, what music do yall listen to?
Who do you hate most? Rex or Orson?
I am Bree
Midwest Indigo is purple! What tøp song is brown?
I need help picking a song...
What song do you wish you could hear again for the first time?
I’m a failure stuck living with abusive family, I dropped my medication I feel invisible I feel like I’m going crazy