Pre-ordered the new reissue of this amazing album a couple months ago, now I'm giving it a first listen!
My project e46 is coming along nicely. Just installed the aftermarket spoiler today. (2002 325ci) also I know it's not an M3, I just like the look of the grille stripes.
Layers of the Olympic Mountains, WA [OC] [2868x1920]
My first city, Garfield. Pop: 100k, Traffic: 90%
Accidentally blocked off a river entirely, sewage went back into intake everyone got sick and died :(
Which Movie fucked your mind the most up?
Depression Cherry is my 2nd favorite BH album behind Bloom. Where does everyone else rank their albums?
The Transition.
My new pickups from yesterday!
Finally upgraded to a better turntable! Currently spinning one of my favorite albums - it sounds amazing!
Favorite moment in a BH song?
Which female musician do you most like?
Just picked up this 21 box set for 50 bucks. Outsides of the boxes are a little dirty, but the records look they they have never been played.
Guy lassos me. I break free and choke him to death. It's the simple things in life...
What stereotype actually fits you?
Bungie jumping circa the 1890's
Rockstar needs to fix the Armadillo fast travel spawnpoint
I don't care if you're on a trader mission.
What is your biggest pet peeve about movies?
What movie did you rewatch endlessly as a kid?
How would you describe your job so as to make it sound sexual?
who is an artist you could listen to everyday and never get sick of?
What really obvious thing have you only just realised?
Who is the most attractive person in history?
What’s one moment that made you go “Well, I’m fucked.”?