“Awakened” Gum-Gum Fruit concept?
3D Printing a 7ft Prop for a Con!
My Mina cosplay that I debuted at AnimeNYC!
Seeing these photos someone took of me made every struggle and frustration of cosplay building worth it. My Iron Man MK85
I built Frieren’s staff for my friends cosplay
3D Printed Master Chief helmet + Vacuum Formed visor in work. I love technology
I’ve been 3D printing shiny Devil Fruits lately. Oda needs to reveal more designs!
[Cosplay] Wanted to share my 3D Printed Blue Beetle Helmet. I’m excited for the upcoming movie and I REALLY want to make that giant sword from the trailer.
My 3D Printed Iron Man Cosplay from Endgame is Complete. 3+ years of work, upgrades, repairs, and setbacks
We brought 10 Iron Man Cosplays to a Comic-Con this weekend. All but 1 we’re built by ourselves. Our own little Iron Legion!
He’s always a derp but also loves whatever he thinks this experience is
My newest 3D Printed Iron Man Suit. Before and After. 1100+ hours of printing
MK85 Iron Man helmet build. Printed on Bambu P1P
[self] White Ranger Concept Helmet Complete. My First power Ranger build.
Just finished making my first Power Ranger Helmet! White Ranger concept
New Enduro installed! I’m so happy with this build and can’t wait to take it out again.
Finally finished my 3D Printed Black Panther helmet. This paint job was tricky but it deserved to be as good as I could make it.
3 years of Cosplay. 2 Iron Man suits. 1 happy guy. I love doing this.
[Cosplay] Red Hood Rebirth Costume - Very proud of how this turned out! crowbars beware
[Self] Red Hood Rebirth - My first DC cosplay character
MK39 Starboost Upper Half printed! First rough assembly. Everything aligns nicely. Just need to work out a good strap and mount system while the legs finish printing. Arms are also done just not shown.
[Self] MK39 Starboost from Iron Man 3. My newest 3D printed cosplay!
Finished my new 3D printed Iron Man costume from Iron Man 3. MK39 Starboost (Gemeni)
PROJECT: Zed helmet, made by me