PTSD and Bipolar Disorder
“You’re so funny!!!” Uh no, it’s a manic episode. Thanks tho.
How did your family react to your diagnosis?
A quote that has helped you?
Have you always been bipolar?
If you're bipolar, does that mean you've always been bipolar?
Are you a former workaholic?
Hate being asked “what caused this to happen”
When you realize you was bipolar?
Why is the diagnosis so difficult to accept?
Did any of you identify with/see yourselves reflected in Martha rather than Donny while watching this show?
What red flags did you notice when you met Narc?
Sneaking off to watch porn and lying about it to your wife who just had your baby is so funny according to Reddit
TIFU by masturbating after my wife had our son, now she thinks the house is haunted.
My bf said something hurtful and I dont know how to feel cause it's kinda true
The Power of Preferred Indifference
It feels lonely being a progressive Christian
People who are unafraid of being single have standards, like being alone, are more open minded and moderately agreeable but less neurotic. In fact, they're pretty badass.
I'm In A Platonic Life Partnership, & People Have A Lot Of Questions About It
Has anyone accepted that their husband is a narcissist and tried to live with it happily? As they say acceptance is key.
Jordan Peterson + Childless Women
Valentine’s Day is gross when you are a victim of DV
We never celebrated Valentine's Day together, because he'd "done it all with his ex, and it was just another day."
Even OTHER men can sense LVM/NVM/ZVM’s red flags with women at the beginning of a relationship, such as “being too busy.”
I need help making an important decision regarding a DV case