Disappointed of the LR boys
Scrims on YT
Variety Editor here, just wanna share a nice comment from the variety channel for caedrel.
Yamato goes into depth about RS winter (also talks about Nemesis/Crownie comments at the beginning)
Nemessi is tilted
NORD realizes Bausen Law the hard way
Velja streams are absolute bangers
Funniest team name I've seen
Absolute Illness
leBaus : After carrying LR in scrims, he is running it down in soloq xdd
Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht leaving prison after being pardoned. Spent over 11 years in prison.
Los Ratones i wrote it with love
AINTNOWAY Baus stays for an entire year
Caedrel need to get Chall before 2 days left or he will be 1 DAY CHALL ANDY ddx
Guess I am just bad at this game... :(
Help appeal!
Which one should i go for..? (I don’t have any of these)
How to NOT fill-the-screen in a slideshow?
Constructive criticism is allowed, stop removing them and about Caedrel response
T1 vs LR
Nemesis after leBaus inting with Galio [meme, out-of-context clip]
I’m in class right but WTF is this
This has to be a joke. Just 15 months? And some of you will head entire departments?? Based on what expertise?? The LBSNAA training? No wonder corruption is rampant. UPSC needs a complete rehaul focused on expertise retention.