Who is excited for 6k EWC?
People really put gamble above common sense...
9th anniversary gift!
I got 8170 trophies 14 days after downloading this game. Here is what i learned
is it worth to not elite?
Berserker 🤩
Is there any way to leave a tournament you hosted?
You can not make this up
You can’t be serious…
Should evolve cannon or ice spirit ?
My friend keeps insisting he isnt midladder, i want your opinion
New card what do you guys think a troop or a tower troop
Didn't they say this pass wouldn't contain keys?
which one to level 15 and what do u think about the deck?
How do I fix this?
We are doomed 💀
I’ve used the same deck in 7 years of playing.
Should i use book of books for rocket?
Is it finally time for Clash Royale to add the Emerald Pass?
Didn't know 4 star drop give this
Rune Giant - New Damage Amplifier in Clash Royale - January 2025 Season - RoyaleAPI Video Preview
Is this unusual
why am i still facing midladder kinda decks in 8500+
Who needs Netflix when you have Arena 23 TV Royale