Best beach destination?
Do bed bugs feed along clothing lines?
Do bed bugs bite along clothing edges?
Is this a bed bug?
Are these bed bugs?
Are these bed bug stains?
Suitcase use???
Inconsistency is Driving Me Crazy
How easy is it for bedbugs to spread to someone else’s house?
Paranoid about bed bugs!
potential exposure to BB?
Do I still have bedbugs?
Helped mom move, found major infestation! Im worried!
Hate to have to post this
The situation we've landed in
If I suspect I have bed bugs (for a month since I've been exposed I believe) and more than likely they are where I sleep in living room downstairs. My daughters room is upstairs. If I leave for 2 nights will they try to go upstairs?
Likelihood of bringing home bed bugs from an infested hotel?
Need some advice
Need Advice ASAP: GF found a single female bed bug who might have hitchhiked today, what do we do?