Comment down your type in women!
How many of y’all have praise kink?
I’m so lonely
How do you single ladies deal with the perpetual loneliness?
Got this text from aunt going cry now
I turn 21 on the 13th and I’m going to a queer club
I love strong and muscular women
Vi (arcane) is like the Flynn Rider for lesbians
Couples canon and ship
[S2 Spoilers] Twitter needs to be nuked off the planet ASAP
It’s okay to not have to define your sexuality with a specific label
Do you wear pride merch? Do you notice when other people wear pride merch?
Dating is so beautiful
When haters say lgbtq just ‘isnt the natural order of things’:
In Arcane, we often talk about Caitlyn and Vi… but can we please talk about ✨her✨?
Tips for first time?
Lat spread
I don’t understand labels when it comes to sexuality and nonbinary people
My gender feels deeply connected to femme lesbian
Hi! New member
I just need some outside feedback
Who do you think is the most tragic character in the series?
Who are the other Fiona-esque artists you listen to?
A year ago I was almost 300 pounds and could barely walk up a flight of stairs without wheezing. I can't believe I've made it this far. Just hit 210 pounds.