ishowspeed stream gone wrong
Which game here has a more toxic community
What's an unique thing about yourself that makes people recognize you in tc2 community?
So I was watching stars align speed runs and I wondered how to turn on the timer thing at the top.
Marksman primary tierlist (plus explanations in body text)
you dont think my toys are weird? so. Freaking. Brilliant!
(hot take) I can't get why people don't like capture the flag
How are there two of each class in Team Fortress 2?
hes just a boy
5 songs to introduce someone to kanye
agent and stuffies
whip name
‘Kaguya-Sama’ & ‘Oshi No Ko’ Creator Aka Akasaka’s New Fantasy Romance Manga “Maerchen Crown” Releasing On March 20
I had paused for about 8 months but I finally finished the manga...
thing i mad.e on ms paint
out of the 2 maps in tds which is best
You know I’ve always been curious about smth
Which class should be? nerfed
agent if she's actually smart
What makes SaikiK good in your opinion?
Me watching as my whole team gets wiped out by a single agent
These guys were spawncamping in this match
(OC) drew agent typical color 2nd
How would you describe Agent's personality?