Watch Verification Thread - If you're uncertain if a Rolex is good/bad/fake, post info and pics here
What's the most attractive trait a girl can ever have?
Where to Live??
Bulk or cut? 159lbs, 5'11, 11/12%(?) bf, 35yo
What are you looking at?
Outdoor gym in East?
What isn’t here?
Howd I do this year for the gym?
paris stickers are on sale
First Andrew Tate Clip
Nvidia 2080 Super - Every game crashing
[Game Thread] Kentucky @ Tennessee (7:00 PM ET)
[Guess the Score] Tennessee vs Alabama
Guess I picked the right ETB. For real it’s all from just one. LOL WTF IS HAPPENING.
Lost Abyss - Best Hits From My Booster Box
Will this get an OC for CGC?
this happened at my local Popeyes, what's y'all thoughts
Got back my stained zinnia’s resolve from CGC today! Tell me what you think!
I don't have enough of my name buddy in ultra rare or better
Not sure if these are ink errors or fakes. Got these out of the same hidden fates etb.
What’s everyone’s opinion on collecting non PSA 10s?
Are these pulls good, average or below average from 3 evolving skies booster boxes?
Christmas Give Away!
I've determined it's the texture of another full art card on the back and not a thumbprint. What do you guys think, can this get graded as a misprint? Video of pull, fresh out of the pack in the comments.
Weird misprint (thumbprint) printed on the back of my ultra rare? Pulled it today and have video evidence.