My Opinions 30 Hours Into Octopath Traveler
[Sigma Star Saga DX] For the GBA, gets a limited physical edition release. Unique JRPG that combines an action RPG with Side-scroller Shoot 'em up.
how do you feel about the usage of status effects in JRPGs?
I Expected Metaphor:ReFantazio to be Much Darker Than What it Was
A Part of me Misses the Strategy Guide Era of RPGs
I hope Expedition 33 is better than Sea of Stars
Metaphor is just Persona but in a different skin and that disappointed me.
The Snow Levels in Octopath Traveler Are so Gorgeous
What's your fav pokemon?
Can't get into DQ3 Remaster and I don't know why
It's Okay To Not Like Good/Decent Games Sometimes
So I finally Got Around to Trying Octopath Traveler
What's a JPRG That Wore Out or Overstayed Its Welcome?
So I Beat the Demo For Aethermancer Today
Which JRPG series do you think will go "mainstream" next?
I Wish There Were Pokemon Games Catered to an Older Demographic
I Really Dislike Random Chance/Hidden Information in Leveling Systems
What is the one otherwise good game that you think needs a rewrite?
So I Tried the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tactical Takedown Demo (TRPG)
What’s your JRPG confession ?
Dark Deity Has Been A Great Surprise So Far
Games That I Would Purchase This Month If I Didn't Have a Back Log
What is the Dark Souls of JRPGs?
chrono cross i'm 10 hours in i found the game to be pretty boring so far, thoughts?