What's your experience with Milkshake products?
Do LCWRA reviews happen?
Is this from vaping? Literally fainting
this is the hardest thing i’ve ever done
Should I be worried if I just quit cold turkey
Doctor told me vaping is keeping my broken arm from healing.
How do people feel after quitting vaping?
When do the cravings stop?
How to start lifting
Sharp stabby pain in chest wall
Insane to think I used to get through 2 disposables a day.
Extreme Dizziness
Dizzyness, dissociation - check your blood pressure
Suggestions on how to help myself wake up?
Yo guys! This is the longest I've gone without ketamine in 2.5 years. Partly due to being out of the country but by the time I return, it will be 10 days! Although I am thinking about it at least once or twice a day still.
Did high doses of ketamine in past months as a way to treat my severe chronic pain, ended up doing close to half gram a day the past two weeks, should I tapper down or go cold turkey?
Time has come to stop
Checking in…
relapsed after 17 days then realized i don’t enjoy being high anymore, threw away my leftover stash, starting anew today. how’s everyone doing?