3 months. My nose.. and honestly I believe that is my confirmation now. Nothing is okay anymore..
Will TSA mess me around as my passport and I are trans?
A variant of the current trend: what does your top five dream roles say about you?
How did you react in the immediate moments after finding out?
Negative genetic test but vEDS symptoms, advice needed!
I'm getting into a potentially serious relationship for the first time since a trauma and I need some support
What assumptions do you make about me based on my 5 favorite musicals?
What are your favorite confrontation / fight songs?
What is the most left wing musical?
Trump = Hitler
Is the movie version good?
Why didn't Henry's parents stay with him?
i have social anxiety and i'm looking to make some new friends in the area
With the arrival of my Nick & Charlie Yootooz, it’s all complete!
What's the point of "wrong answers only"?
If you became prime minister what's the first thing you would change?
Book Suggestion?
Does the 2012 Les Mis movie with Hugh Jackman do justice to the original musical?
Songs that get stuck in your head by a random word
Which version of the book should I get?
How old are you and do you tend to keep your phone on silent? Why yes or no?
What kind of doc diagnosed you?
Got My First Tattoo!
Songs that remind you of Shakespeare