My mom just sent me this, too funny not to post
Please make an original ride again
Just got out of FAR exam
FAR exam tomorrow, any advice??
FAR in 24 hours, stressing hard
Who’s ult voice line goes the hardest?
Is this the Worst Flavor?
CPA Exam Plan
My kiddo screen is half dark.
This is what happened
Xbox one main world to my switch
Room for rent close to the beach.
how do you treat a fatal gunshot wound?
what is yalls favourite redbull flavor?
My go to flavor when I can’t find iced vanilla berry. Never lets me down. What’s your go to? Thankfully pear cinnamon isn’t an option anymore 🤢#teampearcinnamonisass
Should player bans happen in earlier ranks?
The MoonKnight Ult absolutely needs to be nerfed
Becker Instructor Tier List
Bowling alley fight
Guy explains how he wrote off his G-Wagon
The easiest choices required the coolest wills
Me before Studying Far, Me now
If you had a magic wand