Off topic, Any 80s and 90s anime recommendations? These are the stuff I have watched
Ladder these days
Enough Mihawk vs Shanks posts. How strong would a dual attack like Conquest of the Sea or Hakoku Sovereignty coming from them be?
Sta ocekuje Vucic da postigne s ovim Cacima iliti Studentima 2.0?
This scene is my favourite of Storm from the Fox Films.
When this fight is animated I think Zoro fans will become the biggest Toei haters in existence
Homelander VS Sportacus, who would win?
Why is Yamato so glazed when she has feats equal to Marco?
Base Storm vs Cyclops: Storm #6
Koji je to film za vas?
Honest lly becoming a problem
Top 20 X-Men stories: Day 4
Only 10/10
Ranking the Homunculi based on how evil they are
If you were given the option, which of the main two storylines in X-Men: The Last Stand would you have removed? The Dark Phoenix or the Mutant Cure?
Which Hulk design do you like best from the following options?
Apparently, the artists in the OG Yu-Gi-Oh anime didn't get the memo that the card was called "Blue-Eyes WHITE Dragon".😒
Who wins? Zoro vs Erza
Could Base Spider-Man without pulling his punches defeat Base Tony in a death battle?
Admiral fans, be honest. This is the LAST matchup you want for Akainu. Pray it won’t happen.
What is Iceman doing?
Top 20 X-Men stories: Day 3
Critical Ninjury
Samo nek je veselo
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