Choose your fighter 🦆
How often do Winsor and Newton Paints go on Sale like this?
Is this normal for masking fluid?
got this one from market place for 90. is almost new and the vendor said she was selling it 'cause she doesn't let his husband drink anymore. 🤣
Power Pink 35oz w/ straw lid?????
The a-hole wallet i finished for a customer :)
my moldavite phone charm
More stickers
Costco has snail mucin on sale!
My new couture Ukrainian bags!
Carrying Moldavite around
I'm not quite sure if this is allowed or not, but I was curious of what people thought of this idea. I just finished this one, first making the glass, then cutting it into a gem.
I just turned 39 and need some skincare advice
I blacked out and bought all this at Marshalls.
[CHAT] Does anyone truly start from the middle of a pattern?
My Favorite Pillow Is Maybe 100 Years Old
Anyone know what this is?
If you LOVE pink…
Recent finish
I work with ignorant people
Little corn on the cob puff quilt!
Any Angle is absolutely beautiful
They are officially mine! ✨
My recent make
My artistic impression of a sand dollar 🌊🐚