Curious to hear thoughts and recommendations!
Thoughts? Who do you like?
Newport center Mall :p
Who am I?
What’re the vibes I’m giving off here?
What does my (small) collection say about me?
I know it’s a lot but who even am I?
What would you think about adding one or two extra teams of 3 in Bounty Hunt?
What's your conclusion?
go off
What’s this collection tell you about me?
Have you ever read a book written by someone you knew personally? What did you think?
How do you organize?
With a margin of fewer than 30 votes, Best Chorus goes to God’s Favorite Customer. A difficult one next: Worst Song
Has anyone bought this? It looks really cool, but I don’t know how reliable this site is.
suggest me a book that is lonely
Books that don’t live up to the movie version
What's all the fuss with Colleen Hoover?