Our office moved to a new building. These are hung above all the urinals.
How was the Altima 600 not held in Charlotte?
What stuff do you carry in your car?
Car Tint Removal
Have you guys tried Quark's new drink, the Flaming Quark, yet?
List your five accomplishments of the past week or you’re fired. Wrong answers only.
Before the internet, how did employers verify what was on an applicants resume and do a background check?
Citi vs. Walmart - Which Offer Should I Take?
This safe was left by my homes previous owners. Anyway if busting it open? I hear something sliding around inside when I move it.
Lexus/toyota v6 sounds so clunky like a tractor when idling
Ammo Fail
What do you think makes North Korea tick in hacking?
What is the craziest thing you have ever seen happen at the airport?
What's your favorite concise description of humans, like 'sea cucumbers with huge ego' ?
What movie made you say, "Holy shit there is still an hour left"?
Someone tell Zaha to wear a FC hat when on camera
That is one expensive box.
Last year of the IS500 and LC500
Central Texas Gun Works Gunsmith experiences?
The federation is not latino friendly. What happened to the "Enterprise Ch"?
Adults of Reddit, what is something your parents did that you thought was normal until you grew up to find out it wasn’t?
You find the strangest things doing trade in inspections
When was the first time you used the internet? What did you think of it back then?
Do you still use cash daily? Or only card?