Any other podcast like TDS?
Best stories to introduce someone too
I don’t like guest episodes
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What was your go to playground bey?
Update and a question
If you could learn 1 attack and only 1 from DB what would you pick? Kill Driver is my pick 🔥
What Are Your Birds Nicknames?
Bird hurt help
It finally clicked, and I've never had this much fun in overwatch comp.
If you were to give genji one buff...
What is he doing?
question about training a lovebird
any recommendations?
what do i do
Question about bird behavior
legendary actions?
Weekly Questions Thread
So I recently bought a sol blaze cuz my friend had one but then we realized it was different than theirs, they said they got it from toy r us and we're just confused is there like a Hasbro version or? They brighter one is the one I got.
Looking for blitz striker
Stop changing this “throw” setting!
how can I play against my party members
I listen to my coworkers cheer as they celebrate the first cryogenic freezing
I'm looking for a low plat team with non toxic people I have 1330 games and am on cv1 and still learning dm me if any teams could try me out
How many lobbies are there?