Death is simply another conquest 😤 Prepare for Sahn-Uzal Mordekaiser, entering the Sanctum on 3/5.
Por favor, POR FAVOR no compren GTA VI si se llega a vender a ese precio
NORD realizes Bausen Law the hard way
Lo bien que hice en dejar de jugar al lol
LR Rekkles goes offline and cancels upcoming scrims due to extreme anxiety of Thorin's upcoming content nuke
Really long queue times in non-ranked queues
GTA IV en consolas next-gen bloqueado a 30 FPS, según filtración eliminada"
Are new players welcomed?
I found some old League of Legends screenshot I had of games I played from over 10 years ago while clearing my PC and I would like to share them
¿Por qué el Padre Comstock permitía la venta de "drogas" que provocaban suicidios siendo que él era ultra católico?
Gente vi esto en una noticia y se me salieron los ojos, estamos todos locos????
What would you like to see in an Arcane-style show about Demacia?
El significado del "10% anual en dólares" que genera el S&P 500
Los técnicos se van a hacer una panzada con este conector
Realizing you are not the target audience anymore
Man vs Number - The Game(s)
GGG can we get at least some clarity about what's gonna happen to POE1?
What champs do you think just ruin ARAM for everyone?
Should i give hells paradise a try??
Velja has been crushing it!
Two Kinds of Player
Riot dropped the biggest nerf on f2p players, and there was practically no huge backlash back then...
Defender el socialismo es inconcebible teniendo en cuenta a parásitos como Maduro
I dont get it man
Please make splinters stack