Who do you think has the best voice lines?
My rankings of the game
My Rankings of the Game
Help, I can’t find a soulslike I enjoy
Buying a disk game that I already have digital
Just finished Dark Souls 2 for the first time! Here are my thoughts…
Am I doing something wrong?
Give me a playtrough idea
Guys, I have to be real with you
NG+ seems like less interesting than casual New game.
Would eldritch horror take away from the world.
Iron keep is ... Something
Bouta uninstall
Where do I go from Volcano Manor [unable to defeat that snake boss] and can't get pass the Draconic Tree Sentinel
Headless snake lady boss question
Inter connectivity vs Chapters
I just beaten morgott am I over leveled?
Lady Maria
What if?
R1 Godskin Duo
HELP! How to beat this Blazing Bull.
Should I stick w my starting weapon for the full play through
Tips on LOTF?