Looking for a similar support to Karma
0/10 Game is Unplayable Now
Why so many supports insult the enemy support player?
Galio Support is seriously underrated...
Bloodletter's Curse is so bad
What do you think about this take I found on Twitter?
Rell es el champ con mejor sinergia con Samira!, que otro tanque tiene sinergia con adcs?
Wtf happend to jungle?
🥺is it weird to be too attracted to Aatrox
This subreddit roasts you for your KDA vs how you actually died
Besides Xayah crap skin, bothers me a little that no one seems to care much about Rakan's skin being epic when Xayah is legendary. Are we really ok with this? Riot is slowly destroying they're feature/concept
Why do I experience this behavior on bard more than any other champ? Thankfully someone dodged
Day two publishing videos of supports killing their own ADCs
The reason I love this role is the same reason I see a lot of people hating it
In the meantime...in a very different dimension
I hate yuntal.
flopburstphine can't kill ppl when she 2 lvls ahead
Playing ADC makes me sad and angry
Jungle diff, no?
Made with Procedural Generation
Quick question
Best ADCs with bard?
Tahm Kench being told they're delusional by Riot can't handle it
I would boycott after this crap.