Anyone Improved from genital anesthesia? Or body numbness? What helped you?
Ginkgo biloba helping more than kisspeptin!
Immune system - has to be the cause
New to Nvidia
Vortioxetine - Thinking about Reinstatement
Wales UKFPO allocation
Final year from Belfast moving to Wrexham for f1 advise were to stay( don’t want hospital accommodation)
UKFPO allocations 2025
Group match algorithm
Free accomodation
Mix recovery !
Repeated specialty in F1 and F2 - anything I can do about it?
Gender is complicated, who do you date?
UKFPO allocation anxiety
Mildly floxed a week ago
Did anyone here get voice masculinezing surgery?
Tinnitus and concert
Whats the biggest misconception
Your method to mastering Anatomy??
Passmedicine misconceptions
Courier service that ships medical samples
my ftm boyfriend can’t almost never cum
If you look back at F1 - what was most important to you?
Two hundred UK companies sign up for permanent four-day working week
Orgasms are suddenly back after 8 months of PSSD